Monday, June 17, 2019

June Bells & Whistles

Here is the Bells & Whistles layout from June, for anyone who was unable to attend but picked up a kit or for anyone wanting to recreate it.

 The squares are cut using the largest square stitched die.  The photos need to be 3.5"X3.5" to fit nicely.  The white sheet is 11"X10" and the sapphire strips are 1/4".  The title is on the You are Here cartridge.
 Here is the page with a few random photos on it, to show you a finished product.  I also added the colored flower to the top.  Not everyone in class likes to color, so this was an option - to an otherwise no coloring layout!
 Just a little close up of the palm trees.  I stamped them once on Kraft paper and one on green and lagoon paper.  I trimmed the trunk off the green/lagoon cuts and popped the leaves on the full kraft cut.  Behind the palm trees is the 'hello sunshine' stamp in Lemon.  Consider raising it a bit on your layout, as the word sunshine becomes hidden on mine.

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