Friday, August 2, 2019

Frame the Favorite

I'm trying a new location for this quarter's Frame It workshop.  The workshop will be held at Lowe Mill, in the North Classroom on Saturday, August 17 at 1:00 p.m.
The address is 2211 Seminole Drive, Huntsville.  It's a great creative place.  If you haven't ever been before, consider blocking out an extra hour to tour all the artists shops in the old cotton mill building. And don't forget your tea jar, there is a Piper & Leaf shop as well. 
For anyone who is new to the Frame It workshops, there are some previous workshops still available to chose from, including the seahorse one shown on the Lowe Mill site.
This is the new layout available.

You can pay at the door (I do take cards), or you can reserve your space by paying through the PayPal link below. 
I look forward to seeing you there!

Frame the Favorite

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