Monday, April 29, 2019

Party with the new Seasonal!

The new Seasonal Expressions catalog goes live on May 1st.  This catalog has some great new kits, and a lot of cool stamps.  If you (or you and friend) have $150 worth of products on your wish list, then let me set up a special party for you.  By hosting a party, you will get an additional $25 products for free.
This type party is available at any time, not just this catalog. Most of you take advantage of the FETCH and place your orders around these.  For this catalog - there is no FETCH during its duration.  So why not get a little bonus AND what you want?
  • When you have made your wish list, break it down into 3 sections, of about $50 each.  When you are ready to place your first order in May (or June), I will set up your order.  You then go online and place your first $50 order.  Be sure to select and join YOUR party!
  • Your party will remain open online for 30 days.  So right before it closes in June (or July), you will go back online and order your second $50 selection.  Once again, make sure you select and join YOUR party.
  • After the 30 days is up, you will no longer be able to see or order from your party on the website.  BUT - the party is still open for another 30 days. For this last order on your party, you will need to send me your $75 list - the $50 order and the $25 worth of free stuff in July (or August).  I will place the order and have it shipped directly to you!
  • When placing your orders - please leave some qualifying items to use the $25 on.  Hostess credits are good towards stamp sets, blocks, inks, kits, PML cards, compliments and cardstock.  And don't forget about the hostess stamp sets that are only available with these credits!
And you always have of the option of making it a one and done party.

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