Friday, January 25, 2019

Deluxe Scrapbooking Instructions

Have you noticed there are THREE kits for each themed paper pack in the new catalog?  One card kit, one scrapbooking kit and one DELUXE kit.
The Deluxe kit has more to it than the regular scrapbooking kit - stamping and techniques and a wide variety of ideas.  Some of them are double layouts, some of them are single layouts, pocket scrapbooking and even a mini album!
The deluxe kit includes what you need to make the variety of different projects in the instructions - but a little cheat tip - the instructions are available at no charge!  The kits are a convenient way to order what you need to make all the projects but maybe you already have some of the stuff, or only want to do certain projects. Do as much or as little as you want! 
Right under where you would add the kit to your cart you can download the instructions.   Let's go create!

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