I'm starting something new - called FETCH.
F - Forty
E - Eight
T - Total
C - Cropping
H - Hours.
- It's a 48 hour long crop.
- This first one will start on Friday January 26 at 5PM
- and end Sunday January 28 at 5PM.
- Sign up is not available until December 23 - this is just to let you get it on your calendar if you are interested.
- The price is a minimum online order of $60 (plus tax and shipping), but no additional charge for the crop. (Cost is $50 if you don't want to order.)
- Food is provided.
- Sleeping quarters are on your own; I will have nearby hotel information if that option works for you, but going home for locals is good too.
- Supplies can be left safely overnight.
- This event will take the place of my monthly crop.